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Non Rubberslug gallery visitors..An update for you! (Fri Dec 13 09:39:28 2002 )
E [View profile ]

Well, in case you haven`t been to my site lately 
a lot has been going on! !! 3 great Hankens, 
another possibly on the way, a great Cheshire 
Cat cel on hold, and some other hopefuls for 
the New Year...last minute and unexpected 
results ^-^...Please enjoy! I will be going on a 
long and well deserved break from online 
collecting after February /03. If you have been 
wanting to ask me something concerning any 
of my cels in my collection--NOW is the 
time....I will be giving the Internet in general, 
(except for email every now and then to some 
of the people I am currently in touch with) a big 
break...This is already happening 
actually...Happy Holidays!! 


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