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Commissionable Fancel artists please look ;__; Hyperenity may refrain from it though. (Mon Dec 16 15:23:37 2002 )
fancels-org [View profile ]

Umm... My first choice would ofcourse be Requiem, 
but I understand she's too busy at the moment... 
And my royal self (kono ore-sama... love thaz!) 
lacks the skill bigtime. 

I made this sketch today after hearing a very 
sickminded song ("S., I want you dead, blood, 
guts & gore,..!") and well, this and Requiem's 
Angel Sanctuary cel inspired me bigtime to this 
sketch^^; I wanted to CG it, but my Wacom crapped 
out on me ;___;
It's your skill on detail and perfect lines that 
make me sooooooo regret that you got no time, 
Req^^; If you do, let's talk :) I also got color 
resources for the 2 charas. Bigtime ;)
If size makes no big difference in price, I'd 
really like it big ;) I can make a BG myself, but 
who could make the cel as good as Requiem ;__;
(I currently have $57, expecting another $80, too 
busy for a trade though..)

If anyone else might help out, please don't feel 
offended if I turn down the offer (I also might 
not^^). I'm very picky, and if I were to choose 
the best of best, I'd choose Req above all (and 
Hyperenity below all. FAR(T)).



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