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and just b/c we don't know what you are annoyingly referring to (Wed Dec 18 01:38:27 2002 )
your point please [View profile ]

makes it ok for you to announce daily, x more 
days to something? It doesn't matter if it's a 
one time thing or not, the concept is the same, 
you are delibrately announcing a product or 
event, or heaven knows what. Just b/c you claim 
it is different, and mind you, you have yet to 
share a single iota of information to back up 
your claim, why should anyone believe you? If you 
want to berate the issue/topic, kindly leave it 
on your own boards. Posting here about this 
specific "countdown" most likely has not helped 
your "event". As others and myself have asked, 
countdown to what? Don't want to say, then quit 
annoying everyone.

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