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Another eBay Warning-- Fake eBay Web site out there.... (Tue Dec 17 00:24:19 2002 )
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Well, this may be old news to some I don`t 
know but I just read this in the local translated 
English newspaper in Japan.

Taken from a Reuters article:

"The scam involves e-mails that ask 
recipients to log on to a Fla.-based Web site, 
ebayupdates.com, and reenter financial data 
for eBay...." 

 "The scam site sported the eBay logo and 
colors but did not appear to have any 
connection to the Calif.-based eBay..."

They ask that you sign in and submit 
information through links posted. Retrieving 
passwords, credit card info., etc.

This information was collected by the "SANS 
Institute Internet Storm Center", an Internet 
watchdog group.

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