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Cels up for offer (BGC2040, Slayers, Fushigi Yuugi, Night Walker) (Mon Jul 11 16:01:27 2005 )
Buford [View profile ]

Hi, Buford here.  Some of you may know of me from
#anime-cel, or have heard of "that guy who has a
bunch of Night Walker cels".  Well, I think it's
come time to prune some of the stuff I've
collected over the years.

I'm putting a portion of my collection up for
offers, silent-auction style.  (Basically, you
make an offer, and at the end of the offer period
the best offer wins.)  The offer period is open
through July 22.

The series I have cels available from are:

Bublegum Crisis Tokyo 2040 (Linna)
Fushigi Yuugi (Tasuki)
Slayers (Lina, Zel/Amelia [autographed by hikaru
Midorikawa], Xellos, Sylphiel)
Night Walker (Yayoi/Shido, Riho, Cain)

The offer page, terms, and contact information can
be found here:

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