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More forum-clearing... a show-me challenge! (Thu Dec 19 21:50:04 2002 )
evilminion [View profile ]

In honor of the fact that last night, happily, was
the first night in two months when I could roll
over on my left side and not wake up wincing --
thus implying that all my new ear-piercings are
finally starting to heal, heh -- I want to see
characters with earrings!  The more, or the more
interesting designs, the better!

And as an added bonus, the first person who
manages to post a cel containing more earrings
than I have on my own head right now (eight, and
they don't have to be all on one character, just
all visible in one cel ;), wins a tasty box
of strawberry or chocolate Pocky, your choice.

So let's see those danglers, hoops, and studs!

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