Hi everyone
Well, finally finished up a very belated update.
This one should have been done about month ago
(at least), but just had no time. Added about 90
cels to my personal collection. A number of them
were cels that were very big wish list cels.
Also added about 140 cels to the for sale pages.
All series and characters. Most of them came out
of my collection. A little winter cleaning. Still
in alphabetical galleries, though. Hoping that by
the next update I will make up series galleries
instead at least for the big series. The
for sale page can be found here.
I have greatly changed by policies about e-mails
and requests for cels not on my for sale page.
Please read site comment page if you want to
ask me anything non-standard. Do to the fact I
need to finish my dissertation and graduate in
very near future, I will be following these new
policies to the letter.
Also, would like to thanks everyone who sent
comments on my gallery. They really helped me
select the cels that needed to go. I promise I
will get my reviews out as soon as possible to
the few people out there that I have not had the
time to get back to them.
Hope everyone is having a good holidays and wish
me luck at my next committee meeting,