(1) Does an unstuck sketch increase the selling
A) a little
Mostly it increasing value only slight 10-20%.
(2) If a cel comes with a STUCK sketch (verses NO
sketch).. how does that effect the value...
A) increases value a little
Still increases to an extent, but stuck sketches
have a chance of damaging the cel eventually. 5-
(3) If the cel comes with a timing sheet does it
increase the selling value..
C) makes no difference
Makes no difference in my opinion, though it
helps with providing authenticity of the cel and
finding out where a cel is from.
(4) Does an unstuck MATCHING background increase
the selling value..
B) a lot
On average, it increases the value by about 40-
200% depending on the quality of the background,
how well it goes with the cel, condition of the
background. Also, almost all cels with matching
backgrounds are key and usually A1 or A- end
which is factor of the increase in price.
(5) How does a STUCK MATCHING background effect
the value...
B) increases value a lot
Not quite as much as if it was unstuck, but still
would boost the cost of a cel a lot. However, if
the cel is stuck in the wrong place, it could
reduce the effect of having a matching background.
(6) How does an UNSTUCK NON-MATCHING background
effect the value...
A) increases value a little
It should add only about 5-10 bucks to the cost,
the amount it would take to buy a background only.
(7) How does an STUCK NON-MATCHING background
effect the value...
C) Decreases value
I would usually say decrease, but there are a
couple cels with non-matching backgrounds that
look better or at least equivalent with the wrong
backgrounds. In those cases, I would put it as no
(8) If the cels come in a bag with the company
SEAL (IN TACT) it is generally
D) makes no difference
It helps to establish authenticity, but since
bags are exchanged all the time this is a less
good means. I have seen Studio Perot cels in Toi
(9) Keys Cels are generally..
A) a little more valuable
Since they are done by the senior animators
quality is usually better, however, it seems like
key shots are more often of less desirable poses
which often make them a little less desirable. If
two cels were identical and one was key and one
was not, the key would be a shade more expensive.
(10) Bank Cels are generally..
B) a LOT more valuable
Are used repeatedly in a series. For that reason,
they are usually much higher quality (comparable
to OP) than the rest of the series. Also, since
they are seen over and over again they are some
of the most recognizable cels from a series.
(11) End Cels are generally..
A) a little more valuable
I am assuming you are referring to cels marked as
the last cel in a sequence and not the closing
credit cels (which are very expensive). End cels
are key animated and often come with background.
Rationale for the pricing is the same as for key
(12) Framing a cel will
B) increases value a lot
This is only in reference if the framing is done
right with archival materials and cels is framed
in a way that prevents it from getting damaged.
Since this can run between 50-200 dollars, cost
of the cel should increase to the same level.
However, if the framing is done wrong (cheap
materials) then no real addition to the value of
the cel is appropriate. Moreover, if the cel is
damaged in the framing process (cut, bent,
adherred wrong, etc), the value could be
substantially reduced.
(13) Will including a screen capture of a cel you
are selling increase the chances of making a sale?
Yes. Letting people know where a cel is from
usually makes a cel more salable. However, if it
is from a really bad sequence, it probably would
not help that much.
If yes how will it effect the sale price?
E) Highly variable.
In most cases, it will do nothing. However, if
you can prove it is from a pivital sequence in a
show by using the screen capture, the price would
increase alot. But this is more a reference to
getting cels from special sequences which have
more than just the intrinsic value of the
character being rendered.
Catch you later,