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Re: Show me your rescans. . . . ~_~;; (Fri Dec 27 16:38:54 2002 )
Cyan [View profile ]

Er...I just got my pack from deputy service 
today, and is "lucky" enough to have a case to 
share with. 

Case 1
Please have a look on the angel's wing, the 
airbrush effect is missing on the first try. 
After anout 6 attemps and the aid of Photoshop, I 
fina;;y able to work out a acceptable image.

Besides, I forgot who he is...anyone can ID this 
cel for me? I have no idea, I just like the mood 
of the cel, then I place me order ~_~;;

case 2 
Common case to me, as my focus is mainly on 
Quatre, the colour of his hair always forced me 
to scan it for a second time...It's just my 
scanner can't sensor that colour, may be I need 
to buy a new one? (My friend did suggest me to 
bring along a Quatre cel when I go to buy a new 
scanner. She said, in this way I can shose the 
one who can sensor his hair colour in 1 take and 
buy it at once  ^^6)


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