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Question about restoring a cel and what it does to its value? (Fri Jan 3 06:16:38 2003 )
Star Phoenix [View profile ]

I just got in a cel from Yahoo japan a few days
ago and noticed a very small speck of paint was
missing from the character's hair (so small that
you couldn't see it in the scan b/c the back
ground blended it out).  
Now, I paid quite a bit for this cel and the
seller never mentioned anything about paint loss
(maybe they just couldn't detect it, I don't
know).  So here is my question . . .
Would there be any affect on the value
(decrease/increase, etc) if I were to ask a
professional to restore the paint missing in that
area?  I am planning on keeping this cel, but you
never know what the future may hold . . . So I
don't want to do anything that may decrease the price.

Thanks for your help!

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