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Cels for SALE (Prices Listed) Akira, Armitage III, BubbleGum Crisis, Escaflowne, and Zeorymer... (Tue Jan 7 05:01:37 2003 )
Larg0 [View profile ]

Well the time for offers and half measures is 
over. I need money so all of my cels (except one) 
have prices listed under them. If you want it, 
the price is there, first to say they want it for 
that price, gets the cel. All of the prices are 
the same or LESS (most less) than what I paid for 
them. Be sure to send your email to THIS address: 
mizzar@attbi.com because some of my email links 
on my site are being crazy. The site is right 
here: http://www.evil-android.com

So long,

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Message thread :
  • Cels for SALE (Prices Listed) Akira, Armitage III, BubbleGum Crisis, Escaflowne, and Zeorymer... - Larg0 (07 Jan 05h01)

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