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Ah! My Goddess! Cel for Sale (Wed Jan 8 19:07:01 2003 )
myers551 [View profile ]


Hi everyone!

I'm somewhat in a pinch for money at this moment 
as a Dream cel of mine has become available.  It 
hasn't been in my collection for very long and 
I'd hate to see it go, but unfortunately these 
things happen.  I'm sure someone here on this 
forum will give it a good home.  

It's a 2 layered cel of Keiichi and Skuld from 
the AMG Movie.  It's in excellent condition with 
no line fading and the layers are unstuck.  
There's a small correction on the cel; it seems 
the animators painted Keiichi's hands the wrong 
color, and it was corrected by painting overtop 
of the cel (by the animators, not me ^^;; ) Cel 
#s are A-3 and B-3.  Has AIC stamp.  If you have 
any further questions about the cel please feel 
free to contact me.  I'm asking for $100 
(includes shipping).

Also, I'm in a bit of a hurry so if I don't hear 
from any interested buyers it will probably go to 
ebay tonight.  Please give this cel a good home!  

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Message thread :
  • Ah! My Goddess! Cel for Sale - myers551 (08 Jan 19h07)

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