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Re: So, wait. . . (Sun Jan 12 09:43:37 2003 )
jcaliff (nli) [View profile ]


I wanted to write another message, but I didn't 
have time this afternoon.  I tried playing with 
the decorations a little, and I found out that if 
the window is hot they aren't very easy to move 
or pull off - it's doable, but you risk 
stretching/warping/tearing the stained glass 
thing.  I think it would be easier if it were 
cold (just like removing a stuck sketch with the 
freezer method), but I haven't tried yet.  

One a totally unrelated and offtopic note, while 
I was out today (technically I'm still out since 
I'm at an internet cafe, but you know...) I 
stopped by one of my favorite cd stores, and 
found out that he's going out of business at the 
end of January.  It's really sad - the guy who 
runs it is really, really sweet man, speaks 
English amazingly well, and he's been in business 
for 50 years.  But I guess he can't compete with 
Tower Records and the Animate that both opened up 
recently.  Plus he never really had much new 
stuff, at least not the stuff that I wanted to 
buy.  But on the bright side, he's having a huge 
going-out-of business sale, and I got some stuff 
really cheap.  I even found a copy of the first 
tape of Psychic Force series for 500 yen, so now 
I can finally find out why you like the series so 
much, Drac.  ^^  Heh, that, and getting all five 
of the Naruto UFO catcher series (plus two 
extras) from the game center made my day.  


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