Things in the real world arn't so great. College
bills are pileing up, brother was diagnosed as
being Bipolar... He can't keep a job due to his
illness, can't get insurence without a job. He
can't pay doctors fees, or for counseling.
Mother can't really support two kids. So, being
the more stable of the two, I'm on my own for
the time being.
My cel collecting has been on hiatus for about a
year now. As lovely as they are, they can't stay
here with me any longer with my current
situation. I need to sell these to hold me over
for a bit until I can figure things out.
I apologize for not having a seperate site for
sales. And I understand that my scans arn't the
best, but please take a look at my RS gallery. I
am prepared to answer any questions.
I know how much you hate making offers, so
please, mail me for prices. I've prepared some
rough estimates based on some of the larger cel
collecting sites have set for similar items.
I'll go lower though...
I'll take offers on everything, but I plan on
most likely keeping the Vampire Princess Miyu
cels. |