First off, I want to apologize to the people who have
emailed me over the past month or so.. I've had all sorts
of problems both off and on the internet (but mostly on).
In the real world I've just been busy with .. well... life. I
wasn't able to access my email for the past few weeks,
and in turn I ended up missing a few very important
emails, one of which ended up getting my blacklisted at
my favorite deputy service. All I can say to that is "thank
god I'm quitting cel collecting anyway".
As for quitting, the main reason is that I honestly am
satisfied with my collection. I got a fair share of the cels I
wanted most and I'm thrilled with them. A big thanks to
those who have helped me acquire them over the past
couple years, most especially the following people:
Anne (Ryouko), Katy (Keys), Jody (LadyBrick),
Shawnna (mouse), Curt (owner of Asylum Anime), T-
kun (Owner of Hobby Shop RAXA), Leanne (Jinx),
Sherry (Tkn Girl), Tara (Spinizuey), Kevyn (Fireye) and
a whole bunch of others who have encouraged me,
help me find my dream cels and have just been there
with me through collecting.
This isn't to say that I won't see something I really like
from time to time. So if you see me bid on something or
whatnot, please don't do that "I thought you were
QUITTING cel collecting!" thing because there's no
point. Everyone who says they're quitting will still end
up caving now and then. You know it's true. :)
Well, au revoir, guys. My galleries at both
and Rubberslug will remain up, and to those who have
a clue what I'm talking about, the private genga will be
scanned and put up eventually. I'll try to track you down
and let you know when it's ready for viewing.
- Mary B. (aka - Riven) |