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'spiral: suiri no kizuna' production art? (Sat Jan 25 07:57:28 2003 )
curarae (nli) [View profile ]


so i'm head over heels in love with the CG series 'spiral' 
(what CCD and brainy bishounen-loving girl wouldn't 
be) and while i've gotten a handful of screencaps ready 
for fancel requests (come to mamma, ayumu OP), i was 
wondering if anyone has encountered any genga or 
character settings or anything at all relating to this 
series. there's not even that much merchandise out and 
it's driving me batty (i want hiyono's bear and rabbit 
boxing gloves!). how about post-production cels? some 
of the series being broadcast alongside 'spiral' have 
post-prod cels coming out. anything? help!

(who has a helf-empty litre of diet coke sitting next to 
her which is probably the reason behind the 

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