Minion has had a bad week so far. A very bad week
indeed. >_< That's Bad with a capital B, and
that rhymes with C, and that stands for CRAPPY
I won't inflict details on anyone, but in the
interests of cheering myself up, I thought I might
run a little contest. Entering is easy -- just
email or post a bit of lame poetry for my
amusement. Oh, and follow three simple rules:
First, I'm not looking for just any lame poetry,
I'm looking for haiku. In English, no less. And
as any purist will tell you, even the best haiku
in English is lame by definition.
Second, in honor of my week, each haiku must
contain the word "sucks".
And third, you have until Saturday night to craft
your masterpieces.
And that's pretty much it. Entries will be judged
solely on whether they make me laugh, which is the
whole selfish point of this exercise. ^_~ And
the winner will receive this cel from Gokudo-kun,
the expression on which fairly well sums up how
I'm feeling today.