so, no sooner do i FINALLY find the motivation to
scan for the update from HELL then i discover
that my trusty scanner refuses to play nice with
my new computer.
instead of buying a new scanner, managed to
borrow one. (good thing too! it's the kind i
was considering, and turns out i'm not fond of it
at all!)
so... here i sit, scanning my fingers to the
bones. Pink Floyd's cycling on Winamp
(absolutely appropriate for my mood) and i can
feel my brain turning to fuzz.
hence, to keep myself occupied, i've devised
little game, called the Inappropriate Background
Challenge, and it goes like this:
take this background, and pair it with the most
inappropriate cel in your collection. i want see
the finished results, and i want them to be
to the MOST god-awful combination goes the prize:
the stack of freebie, unknown and otherwise
bizarre cels i have and hadn't known (until now!
^___^) what to do with.