so...I've been gone from the cel community for
about 2 years now, i thought it was time to jump
back in after realizing that i didn't even know
my website was down for so long! Its going to
take some work to get everything in order again
(the other day I tried signing back into Yahoo JP
and I couldnt! >__<) And I also have to get my
website back up so I can start buying and selling
again (I mostly will be selling though...till I
find something REALLY nice =P)
But 2 yrs is a long time and I'm really out of
touch with whats going on...what new cels are
out, whats popular..etc.
Since I collect mostly CCS cels..can someone tell
me whats the going price for them right now? is
the market worst or better?
and can someone give me the link to look at the
yahoo JP auctions?? I just wanna see what's on
sale nowadays
Thanks!! |