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Re: SHOW ME THREAD - Tribute to the fallen Astronauts of the Columbia . . . (Sun Feb 2 17:13:36 2003 )
Yuuki Hikari [View profile ]

It's not an astronaut, but it'll work.

I think at 5, I may have been too young to 
remember Challenger - tho I'll always remember 
showing up at work at 8:30am MST, and hour and a 
half before the mall opens, and eyeing one of the 
TV's that were on at one of the stores in the the 
mall.  Me standing in the silent mall for a 
moment or so watching and thinking: "... what's 
going on?" before deciding to go to my store and 
be told by my manager what I'd been watching e.e

._. Atleast they were doing the thing that made 
them happy... may they rest in peace.

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