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Worried about rekkaronin - anyone heard from Heather L? (Sat Feb 1 00:19:34 2003 )
ryen [View profile ]

I am now really sort of worried about her.  She 
won two of my eBay auctions that ended in early 
Jan & replied to me that she would be sending a 
late payment on Jan. 10.  But I haven't heard 
from her since, not even after I sent a notice 
that said I would leave negative feedback after 
three days if I hadn't heard from her.  I then 
left negative feedback for her on 27 Jan.  

And since I felt really guilty, I did a search 
for her in my email and found she sent me her 
address when she sent that letter mentioned 
above.  And when I saw the name, I mentally 
whacked myself.  I think that this is a person 
that I was discussing Neo B't X a few years ago & 
*not* who I thought it was.

If I had looked at the address more carefully, I 
would have just taken a loss, but the damage has 
already been done to their feedback.

So, basically I am just wondering if anyone has 
heard from her.  Does anyone know if she is ok? 

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Message thread :
  • Worried about rekkaronin - anyone heard from Heather L? - ryen (01 Feb 00h19)

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