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A show me for the sake of psyke-out! Life sucks ^-^ (Mon Feb 3 23:32:22 2003 )
fancels-org [View profile ]

Hahaha, this is so great! I accidentially sent 
someone here $65 instead of $0.65 so I'm on 
mama's shoot-list, I sold 2 cakes to teachers, 
earning $20, from that, I will pay my customers' 

Worse, our classtrip to Barcelona requires $125 
ontop of the paid $400, I won't even share a room 
with my spouse and the other cool boys, but with 
GIRLS (nooooooo!!!), there's drug dealers around 
our hotel but I'm forbidden to buy some *j/k*, 
more and more WANT!!-cels pop up at the worst 
possible time for me, I slept over my job 
interview with an anime studio cuz of a 
hangover, missed my first day at the driving 
school, I want orange juice NOW and we have none, 
Marocs keep hitting on me and my cat may be 
deadsick, I screwed up my auctions with a stupid 
mistake, I want Jo-sama to be here NOW, I want a 
DUO cel,... doesn't anyone love me? (keep the 
answer to yourself)
And I found I look like Lady Une... run after a 
guy like Relena... nooooo ;.;


All this piled up in my tiny heart...
I'm gonna PSYKE!!
*frantically fumbles self-detonation switch*

Heeheehee... your chance to show off your psy-


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Message thread :
  • A show me for the sake of psyke-out! Life sucks ^-^ - fancels-org (03 Feb 23h32)

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