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Missed the Anime Museum Inuyasha update... anyone buy those 2 cels here? (Mon Feb 3 10:20:18 2003 )
kaerra [View profile ]

Hi everyone,

I heard there was a Miroku and Sango cel on the Anime Museum update earlier today (that due to a stupid power outage I missed, grrrr...).  I'm a huge addict of Miroku and Sango cels, although I do have a pretty specific wishlist of what I want (like that will ever happen, but there's always hope, ne?  : P), so I was wondering if whomever bought those cels would be kind enough to show me a scan of it so I can be insanely jealous.  : P  If you just bagged a MiroSan slap cel, congrats!  I have one, but I always want MORE, hee hee.  Especially anything where Miroku is groping Sango (like there's a prayer in heaven of getting that...) or asking his "question" to other ladies and Sango is fuming.  I'll be willing to pay A LOT for one of those cels, if anyone has one and is willing to part with one.  ^_^

Thanks for indulging this hopeless Inuyasha cel addict!  ^_^

Ja ne!


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Message thread :
  • Missed the Anime Museum Inuyasha update... anyone buy those 2 cels here? - kaerra (03 Feb 10h20)

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