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20 Primo Slayers cels for direct sale (Sat Feb 8 10:57:34 2003 )
xelloss (nli) [View profile ]

Hello, here are 20 Slayers cels for sale. Some 
are pretty nice. E-mail me if you need a larger 
scan. Shipping is $7 in the US, regardless how 
much you buy. Shipping can be combined with e-
bay items. I may accept counter-offers. 

The asking prices/info are as follows:

1. Filia, with sketch. Ep 6 of Try, on 'train' 

2. Zanifar, demon that's part of kopi, end of 
slayers 1st season. w/sketch

3. Xelloss, beginning of Try ep 24, w/sketch
$70 (I can't believe I'm selling this ^^;)

4. Zelgadis, end of Next ep 2. w/sketch

5. Valgarv, Ep 4 of Try. Fighting Xel. w/ sketch

6. Lina & Gourry. Ep 13 of Try, Gourry 
has 'fake' sword. The cel layers are a bit mis-
aligned & stuck, but it doesn't affect image.

7. Gourry Season 1, stapled cropped back 
ground...I never did check if it was matching.

8. Really cute Lina w/ sketch. I think Try...

9. I think this is a spellcasting lina from ep 1 
of try. w/sketch

10. Miwan trapped by ebian. Next ep 17. w/sketch

11. Zelgadis, ep 18 of Next w/ sketch. this 
image was features in slayers next film book 5

12. Miwan, next ep 17 w/sketch

13. Hellmaster, episode 25 next. 2 unstuck 
layers w/sketches. He's about to kill...(spoiler)

14. Eye-Open Xelloss. Next Ep4, Zel's got him by 
the neck. Comes with sketch.
$155 (*tons* less than what I paid)

15. Dark Lord Ruby-Eyed Shabranigdo. 1st season, 
really hard to find. w/sketch

16. Syphiel, Slayers Next, ep 24. w/ layout & 
matching background. Has some line fading.

17. Beautiful flying amelia w/sketch from next 
cel in sequence. Try ep 20.
The sketch matches the images used in the 
Slayers Perfect File TV Guide, page 20.

18. Valgarv, ep 4 of Try. Lovely eyes.

19. Valgarv, ep 19 of Try. The famous 
eternal 'breathing' sequence loop ^^;;;;

20. Lina crying about slugs, ep 5 of next.  
w/sketch (slugs not included)



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