Greetings all,
I have finally managed to get my web site up and
running. Although its not quite fully completed I
thought it would be great to give you all a chance
to see my gallery while I work out some of the
finer details.
Series I have uploaded so far include: AMG, MKR,
Slayers, and CCS but I still have some Slayers
cels to scan in and have some Mon Colle Knights on
the way to add. I've added few sketches up but
need to play with my scanner again to see if I can
get better quality images, so keep an eye out for
an update in a week or 2.
For a sample of what I have in my gallery here are
a couple of my prized cels from my collection so
far, a close up of Belldandy (AMG) and an amazing
oversized cel of Sylphiel (Slayers).
Link is here or above, so please take a look and
Trakkar |