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Liquidating most of collection... SM, X, AMG, MB, Ranma, Sutepri, Hanken, Recca & lots more (Mon Aug 29 00:18:37 2005
yat - nli [View profile
My bills from my long stay in the hospital have
finally arrived and it's time to make some changes
to how I collect.
Several months away from a hobby kinda changes
your views of it, so i'm cutting back... WAY back.
Most cels I wasn't ever going to sell are for
sale... I'm keeping only 1-3 cels from most series
I collect. Pretty much the only series I'm not
selling anything from is Boogiepop Phantom. (not
that anyone would want those anyway) ^^;;
Anyhow, enough of that... cels for sale are here:
You can also offer on cels that are not on my sale
page. some are at yaten.rubberslug.com
MANY of my Sailormoon cels are already spoken
for... I'll add more later in the week.
Tenshi ni Narumon cels and a selection of Cheapie
cels (mostly for give aways) will be added
tomorrow or tuesday.
Thanks for looking.
ps. I won't be checking back to this thread. If
you have a question/comment, please email me at
yatenkou_net((at))yahoo.com. |
Message thread :
- Liquidating most of collection... SM, X, AMG, MB, Ranma, Sutepri, Hanken, Recca & lots more - yat - nli (29 Aug 00h18)