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Ok... so my car died. Primo WISH & SM cels up F/A (Sat Aug 27 17:11:07 2005 )
Harry [View profile ]

Hi Gang!
Well I was in a MAJOR car wreck. I was sitting at 
a yield sign and some jerk cut off a Taxicab Mini-
Van. Forcing the Van to drive into my drivers 
side at full speed. Needless to say my Land Rover 
is totaled. The guy who cut them off was found at 
fault and ticketed... so he'll have to take care 
of my loses.
I'm going crazy without having a car. Thank god I 
work half a mile away from my townhome. So now 
I'm rather motivated to get a car! I found the 
car that I want and it's $2,000. more than I've 
got. I don't want a car payment, so I would 
rather raise the difference and not dip into 
other funds.
SOOOO.... here goes some PRIMO cels with NO 
RESERVE. Snow Queen from Sailor Moon S Movie, 
CHIBI KOURYUU from the rare 10 minute CLAMP music 
video for WISH, and a Frontal Nude of LUNA'S 
Henshin in S Movie.
Drop in if you get the time!
Sincerely, Harry 

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Message thread :
  • Ok... so my car died. Primo WISH & SM cels up F/A - Harry (27 Aug 17h11)

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