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Re: new show me - it's snooooooowing :) (Mon Feb 17 03:37:48 2003 )
summer_queen [View profile ]

Bah! I take your 13 inches and ante the *24 
inches* we're in the process of getting. We have 
no front steps, our car doors are snowed in ... 
and the winds are picking up to around 35 miles 
an hour. I too am glad I didn't go to Katsu, and 
I'm only an hour away.

You're welcome to all of it! ^_~

Only thing I like about all this snow is that I 
MIGHT get tomorrow off, if my boss doesn't drive 
out to pick me up. Otherwise, it's cold, 
miserable and pretty much disgusting (though it 
does look pretty on the ground).

I have no cels of snow (probably a reason for 
that). Closest I have to even thinking about 
snow is Omi-kun in his little snow-bunny like 

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