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Original Masami Obari Character design and cel for sale (Sat Mar 1 01:07:03 2003 )
megan nli [View profile ]

Due to my hard drive packing it in earlier this 
month I need to sell some things off to upgrade 
the rest of my computer. I'm currently taking 
offers on my Original character design by Masami 
Obari for the Gowcaizer video game of Owga, and 
an oversized cel of Owga from the movie. I'll be 
taking offers for the next week or so and will 
accept anything reasonable, so check out the link 
above and click on sales. I can take bigger scans 
of the items if anyone wants.
 The drawing does have a piece cut from it in the 
area of the right side inside the space of his 
back armor (the blue things sticking up) this was 
removed to an ink boo-boo according. This drawing 
is the real thing not a fake.

THanks for looking!

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Message thread :
  • Original Masami Obari Character design and cel for sale - megan nli (01 Mar 01h07)

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