if you don't belive i have the cel then don't
Guess I won't bid then, I was going to despite
knowing you where the one behind the "Buy My
Julia Cel" thing, and posting someones
VHD:Bloodlust cel on your gallery too see how
much it was worth...
But that comment just made me reconsider, you
are turning down a potential customer because
they questioned your ownership of the cel, so It
makes you think "Does he really own it?". Then
the "..like I care.." comment, I don't want
someone like that handling a cel I buy, if you
don't care about getting people to bid my simply
saying you messed up in the past, but now you
learned from your mistakes and trying to make a
name for yourself, how much could you care about
proper packaging,handling and stuff? Anyways,
sorry for the long post, I am just kinda bored
and this burned some time. =)
.:Strider |