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Tenatively looking for fancel artists... (Tue Mar 4 05:11:45 2003 )
summfox [View profile ]

I'm thinking about having a few screencaps from 
Fruits Basket made into some fancels - I'm not 
sure how many right now (probably depends on how 
much it will end up costing), because there are 
just too many beautiful shots in that show! And I 
have only seen the first half of the series. :) 
But so I am tenatively looking to see if any of 
the fancel artists aren't particularly busy right 
now.... also any recommendations for artists are 
VERY welcome. (Equally welcome are warnings about 
artists to avoid)... if you don't feel 
comfortable saying anything on the message board, 
PLEASE email me. I'd almost prefer it that way so 
a flame war doesn't start.

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Message thread :
  • Tenatively looking for fancel artists... - summfox (04 Mar 05h11)

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