Will not even discuss prices.
No chickens accepted as barter.
No IOU's (or notes from your mother).
No mortgages accepted.
And your feminine wiles.....don't even bother.
Hello, everybody. I just felt the need to buck
the trend of 2/3 of the threads around here. Wow,
talk about a buyer's market. I feel for everybody
who is selling cels to make ends meet. Been
there, done that.
Here is my very latest acquisition, a simple (yet
surprisingly satsifying) cel of Jubei's first
assasin. I *LOVE* the linework. And I haven't
seen a cel of him before, so I was overjoyed to
snag this one.
A question, for those who have made it this far.
Is the style of this particular cel reminiscent of
a famous Japanese artist/manga/anime/etc? The art
in Jubei Chan varies wildly and constantly for
comedic effect, but I have a feeling that I'm
missing some sort of obvious cultural reference in
this image. Anyone? Anyone??
JP |