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Yeah!!! cel and sketches reunited (Mon Mar 10 22:13:38 2003 )
graymouser [View profile ]

I am so excited, I just had to announce it.

I bought a cel of Queen Tahomine (Arslan Senki) 
from Yann at his Animanga shop a little over a 
year ago. Here it is without the top layer, which 
contains her veil.

About a week and a half ago I see this douga 
sitting on Stephen's Anime Museum site for sale 
on consignment. 

I was hoping when I ordered it that it would 
include the other two layers. When it arrived it 
not only contained the other two dougas, but also 
the genga. ^_^

Out of curiosity, who else has had this happen? I 
seem to remember someone else on this forum 
saying this had happened to them.

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