Sigh... I don't know how I'm going to be able to
hold to my commitment to my fi to quit cel
collecting. So I'm telling myself it will be for
a few months at least, so I don't feel too
terrible if I break my word after that... : P
So anyway, I have over 60 cels in my collection,
and my fi would like me to cut it at least by a
third. So I'll be taking offers on all my cels
EXCEPT those marked NFS and the ones I'm listing
below with prices.
Thanks everyone, and I hope someone will be able
to be happy with attaining one of my cels since I
can't be lucky enough to keep them all.
PS. The following cel is from ep. 46 when
Inuyasha is fighting that dragon guy (can't
remember his full name... Ryuukotsei or
something). I'm asking $135 for it |