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Re: gallery update - 5 cels ^^ (Mon Mar 10 00:58:55 2003 )
sosiqui [View profile ]

*crawls out of cave at mention of Hunter x 
Hunter cels* 

Ooh, nice ones. ^_^ I think you're probably 
right about the Kuroro cel being an op one... 
although it could just be from the episode in 
which that scene happens. (Vague to avoid 
spoiling people... heheh.) I'd have to cross-
check it against both scenes to be sure. Cool 
cel, though, and the background adds so much to 
it. ^__^ 

About the other cel... funny, I can't ID it 
right off, which is ODD because 95% of the time 
HxH cels are really easy for me to ID. ^_^; 
Obsessed fangirl, yes... I could check for you 
in a week or so, though. Friends and I are 
having an HxH marathon. ^_^; 

I got my Taro cels in too, and added them to my 
own gallery. So yummy. I'm going to miss Taro... 
they had the BEST selection of HxH cels... -_- 

*crawls back in hole with Gon plushie and cel 

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