Subject: From: URL: E-mail: |
Cels FS, G Gundam, Gundam Wing, Misc. (Sun Mar 9 19:23:07 2003
4_degree [View profile
I just wanted to let everyone here know my fiance
and I went through our anime collection recently
and culled out a few cels that we would like to
get rid of.
We have one cel of Allenby from G Gundam and a
couple random mech cels from Gundam Wing plus
some cels we have no idea what series they're
from. Feel free to take a look. Email my fiance
if you're interested in anything (her contact
information is on the site). Thanks!
-4_degree |
Message thread :
- Cels FS, G Gundam, Gundam Wing, Misc. - 4_degree (09 Mar 19h23)