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Anyone still want Violinist of Hameln cels? (Wed Mar 12 02:10:59 2003 )
Kenshin no Miko [View profile ]


Hi again ^_^

I'm still in the process of selling off my 
collection, and it's come time to go through the 
VoH section of my folder.... but I was wondering 
if people are still looking to buy them? ^^

If anyone is interested in the following cels 
please send an offer my way~  If nothing happens 
I'll just put them on eBay in two days and be 
done with it ^^;;;

Please note that my scanner is very cheap and 
doesn't do these cels any justice ^^;

1) Sizer
2) Adult Raiel (extremely rare) *I had tried to 
sell this one before, but the deal fell through
3) Hamel (A1, excellent condition)

Thank you!

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Message thread :
  • Anyone still want Violinist of Hameln cels? - Kenshin no Miko (12 Mar 02h10)

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