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Would someone please make me an offer on this friggin' cel? (Sun Mar 16 23:41:04 2003 )
chipn (nli) [View profile ]


I should not whine and complain, I know.  With 
just one exception, I've been 100% successful at 
selling my cels quickly and at a price that I 
thought was fair to both myself and the buyer.  
Other people here have had much better selling 
problems than I have had.

But that one exception is giving me a complex.  
This freakin' cel just won't do anything, 
anywhere, when I've tried to cel it.

Is this cel really so bad?  It's a relatively 
rare cel of Cha Cha transformed into her magical 
warrior girl form, from Akazukin Cha Cha.

Doesn't anyone think this cel is worth anything?

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