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Re: Cels on YJ... (Wed Mar 26 08:14:43 2003 )
Malaryush [View profile ]


I'd recommend Sato, personally.  He doesn't 
require a deposit, but since he's been busy with 
work lately, it sometimes takes him a little 
while to get to emails.  Still, he's been getting 
to mine in a day or less. As long as you can let 
him know a bit ahead of time it shouldn't be much 
of a problem.

I should also note that, technically, Rinkya 
doesn't require a deposit.  It does require a 
credit card, but they only check that it's 
possible to charge a specific amount - they don't 
actually charge it.  So there's no money lost in 
limbo, whether or not you end up bidding.

Best of luck to you in getting those cels!


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Message thread :
  • Cels on YJ... - Yumeko-chan (26 Mar 07h46)
    • Re: Cels on YJ... - Malaryush (26 Mar 08h14)

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