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taking offers on Touga/Utena pan cel (Tue Mar 25 14:10:47 2003 )
aethel [View profile ]

The cel in question is pictured below.  The 
background is matching and unstuck.  I haven't 
been around the forum for a long time so I don't 
know what the current concensus on the meaning of 
offers is, but in my book that means I'll give 
people a couple days to email me what they'd be 
willing to pay for it, and then I'll sell it to 
whoever made the best one. 

It pains me to even consider letting go of this 
cel (the first time Touga and Utena actually meet 
face to face I believe!) but like many people I'm 
in a money crunch.  I'll be taking offers until 
Thursday night or Friday morning. If I get 
something which seems too good to pass up I may 
end the offer period sooner.  I know lots of 
other people are low on funds right now too, and 
I paid a pretty decent amount for this cel to 
start with, and if that's a problem then I will 
just quietly keep it in my collection. ^_^

For anyone wondering yes this means it is 
probably a better time than normal to voice 
interest in any of my other cels, but the only 
things I'm not too attached to are my other 
unsigned Utena cels and the Tamamo and Twilight 
Prince cels.

More details on the cel can be found on it's page 

If you have any questions email is the best 
method to contact me since I don't read the forum 
much these days, and thanks for looking!


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