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Looking for a trigun or Nightwalker or Inu Yasha cel, only own one... (Sun Mar 30 21:59:20 2003 )
Jen-chan [View profile ]


I"m looking to purchase or trade for a 
Nightwalker, Inu Yasha or Trigun cel and possibly 
get rid of my Tenchi Muyo cel. I bought it at my 
local anime Con for $5 so I know its not worth 
much. I am a total Inu Yasha, Nightwalker and 
Trigun Fanatic and I REALLY need to get my little 
hands on a cel of them, but, I dont have much $$. 
SO mostly I'm thinking of trading for one. 
PLEASE! If you have a Trigun or Nightwalker or 
Inu Yasha cel that you'd be willing to trade or 
sell, please e-mail me with scans. 
Thanks alot!

Note: the Tenchi Muyo cel is of Ayeka with the 
funky looking glaive/staff thing with minimal 
fading, no background, but the sketch that 
supposedly is supposed to go with the background.

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Message thread :
  • Looking for a trigun or Nightwalker or Inu Yasha cel, only own one... - Jen-chan (30 Mar 21h59)

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