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More cels for sale... (Sun Mar 30 03:58:59 2003 )
ryoendymion [View profile ]

bad bad bad me... i just can't seem to control my 
urge to buy cels i like so a couple of my 
favorites will have to go...

of course, taking adantage of updating the sale 
page, i decided i might as well put up some 
miscellaneous cels i have up too...

there're cels from:
slayers - nice face shot of lina from first season
rg veda - ryuu and karura
welcome to lodoss island - adorable cels of sd 
ashram and etoh
x^2 (the music video) - excellent shot of kamui
gravitation - official repro of shuichi
yoroiden samurai troopers - touma and a group cel

as well as others from ramdom shows...

thanks for taking the time to look :)

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