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Ink Damage on Cel (Sat Mar 29 23:40:21 2003 )
Lady Jekyll [View profile ]


I recently purchased a cel on Y!JP from what 
appeared to be a very credible seller.  However, 
I just received the cel today, and it has what 
appears to be pen ink all over the face of the 
character on the front of the cel- which was 
*not* noted in the auction description or even 
shown in the scan of the cel that was used in the 

As an animator who has had to use cels in some of 
my past films, I have had no problem later 
removing mistake ink lines from the ink I used on 
the front of my cels with just water, but this 
ink looks like various smears of ballpoint pen, 
which I've never had to remove from a cel before 
and I've tried just using water and it's not 
working.  Does anyone have any suggestions for 
any other safe kind of fluids or liquids for 
removal of this ink?  Thanks!

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