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Huge Sigh of Relief Story... Show ME...? (Fri Apr 4 00:57:22 2003 )
rekka [View profile ]

...well, I was beyond lucky to even find this 
awesome cel recently-- I hadn't seen anything 
from this sequence yet at all, so I was really 
excited.  Apparently, the cel arrived while I 
was away, judging a Forensics tournament my mom 
was hosting at her HS...so I missed the 
package.  I signed the little thingy for my mom 
to go get it sometime during the week for me.  
Later around Tuesday or so, she called me at 
school and said that whatever came for me (she 
should know that the #1 thing that ever comes 
for me is usually always an animation cel...) 
had to be damaged because of the way it was 
packaged.  It was packaged in a normal Tshirt 
box or something that you can get for free for 
buying a shirt or something to that degree at 
any department store.  I had NEVER seen anything 
let alone a cel be sent in a box as weak as a 
Tshirt box...  Needless to say, the first couple 
words that I said over the phone to my mom were 
not good ones.  lol  I was soooo completely 
anxious for the week to get over so I could 
hurry home and check out whatever damage might 
have happened to such a beautiful and rare 
find...  So, just today, I rushed home after my 
Japanese class, picked up the box at my house--
it didn't look too bad and I doubted that the 
cel had any damage on it even though the box had 
been mauled pretty badly--so I went over to the 
PO to open it there just in case there was 
damage done to it.  Haha, I go to my local post 
office, the one that doesn't even carry 
International Postal Money Orders...and told 
them about it and I practically had to EXPLAIN 
to them how things like this worked, that you 
pretty much have to open the damaged package in 
front of somebody at the post office in order to 
claim any damages...  I guess they're less 
experienced that I once thought--that or...my 
home town is a lot smaller than I thought....  
ANYWAY, long story short, the cel is perfectly 
fine.  My hands were shaking when I opened the 
package in front of them; I was really afraid 
for what I might find damaged...

So in honorary motion for this georgous cel that 
came through perfectly even though its box was 
mashed, show me your cels that you thought might 
have gotten damaged but miraculously came out 
unscathed!  completely went from anxiety to 
relief...  ::sigh::


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