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Livid... Show me... (Tue Apr 8 05:43:37 2003 )
rekka [View profile ]

I am really upset right now.  The only other 
show on TV that I watch besides my stupid yet 
entertaining soaps was just canceled, thanks to 
ABC not giving it much of a chance during war 
times.  If anybody around here's been watching 
it, I'm refering to the Primetime 
show "Miracles."  It was a great sci-fi show 
that I got into pretty quickly, not much unlike 
the X-files.  The show was pre-empted 2 times in 
a row and finally showed a new episode last 
week, and just tonight, I sat down to watch 
another awesome-looking episode and it wasn't 
on.  Instead, they played another episode 
of "the practice."  I signed back online to see 
what was going on and found that ABC removed all 
links to their Miracles site.  You can only find 
it now if you do a search for it.

So this is my lead into another show me 
thread...  I am just so disappointed that ABC 
would make such a decision so early in a show's 
lifetime, especially when many people right now 
aren't watching shows for entertainment--they're 
mostly watching the news on this war.  I really 
think they or some other network needs to step 
up and save this interesting show.....  

In honor of Miracles, I'd like to see both sides 
of the spectrum: cels for how I'm feeling right 
now, absolutely pissed, and one for what might 
come to be: hope.  This cel here from the end of 
B't X Neo shows just that; a spirit that won't 
give up until the very end.

Thanks guys!

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