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Its been a while. Stuff for Sale, Anastasia and more... (Tue Apr 15 03:42:54 2003 )
Celmansion [View profile ]

Hi guys! Its been a while since I read, or 
posted on this forum. I guess I needed a break. 
For those of you who follow my site, I have been 
trying to reorganize it for a while now, and its 
slowly getting there. I just have too many cels 
and stuff, and its overwhelming. Anyway, I'm 
looking to buy a true katana from Japan, and the 
sooner I can make the money, the better. Since 
its totally not something I need, I've decided 
to part with cels in order to pay for it. 
Thousands. Yep. O_O Anyway, I have some pre-prod 
cels from Anastasia that I want $100-$150 each 
for. I have the e-mail from Don Bluth studios to 
authenticate them as well. Totally HUGE cels and 
done straight from Don Bluth's original 
drawings. I also have some other stuff in the 
for sale section, though lots of it isn't 
marked. If interested in teh Don Bluth stuff, 
shoot me an e-mail. Heck, just shoot me an e-
mail if you are interested in /anything/. 

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Message thread :
  • Its been a while. Stuff for Sale, Anastasia and more... - Celmansion (15 Apr 03h42)

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