You wouldn't by any chance have a scan of him? i
think I might have seen it, but not sure.
I know I posted this cel just 2 days ago with a
big post and SHOW ME, but this also had the
luckiest, most ironic story behind it.
This cel of Sesshoumaru was one of my BIGGEST (if
not THE biggest) wishlist cel from my favorite
scene. I used to watch that episode many many
times and never even dreamed that I would aquire a
super awesome cel straight from that scene.
Well, when I first saw the cel, it was listed on
Yahoo Japan. I was waiting and waiting for the
auction to come close to an end before I placed my
bid. It was still 5 hours left with no bids.
Then I woke up early to place my bid and
lo-and-behold. Somebody had already placed a bid.
And not just that, more than 14 bids were placed
and he SHOT UP in price to where I couldn't afford
it. I had never cried over losing an auction
before until that day. I was completely heart
broken on not being able to win the cel.
But, to my utter shock, I found another cel with a
LATER sequence (which means, but face shot) on a
website which costs more than $100 cheaper than
the auction and I quickly bought it! Finally got
it in on Saturday and no scan could EVER do this
cel justice! You just have to see it in person!
Anyway, so that was my luckiest find! I guess you
can say, "what goes around, comes around", no?
I know people will probably be irritated from me
posting this again, but I just can't help it! I
am just way too happy!! So HERE IT IS!!
HAHAHAHAH! *evil laughter*
Star Phoenix