...my genga collection, that is. Get yer damn
mind out of the gutter. ;)
For some reason, genga have always appealed to me
more than douga, and the rougher the art, the more
intriguing I find it. I've always felt that these
"sketchy" sketches have more character and emotion
in them than the final drafts.
So, since I'm fighting off the Cold From Hell, and
could really use a bit of cheering up, I was
hoping folks could scan and show off some of their
rarely-seen jewels -- the rough sketches with
loads of personality.
To start you off, here's my latest object du
swoon, Omi from WK: Gluhen. I love how he
looks almost like an old-school anime character
when he's drawn like this, heehee! (Many
thank-yous and purrs to April for such a lovely
gift. :)
Anyone else care to share?