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Re: A lurker says hello...& a question =) (Thu Apr 17 01:40:33 2003 )
Starfighter319(nli) [View profile ]

Hi Linz,
       Well what actually got me to start 
collecting was seeing a chromo cel from the 
series sailor moon. Decided instead of buying a 
copy of a cel why not try to get a real cel. That 
is when I started. Sailor moons blue eyes did me 
in and I had to have her and her incarnations. I 
also like lassie and tenchi muyo. I recently 
bought a sailor venus bank cel in my coming soon 
link in my gallery. Right now cel's are 
inexpensive wait a while and the prices will go 
up again.Well good luck in your new hobby.Check 
out my gallery and leave me feedback either her 
or on my gallery.    Thanks alot

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