I totally agree. Stolen property is a problem in
the cel business. However, cels from shows like
Evangelion and Outlaw Star were never officially
released to the public by the studios, yet ALink
sells them. Also, Rinkya has been involved in
bidding on VHD cels placed on YJ auctions. I
guess the sale of stolen cels is only alright as
long as ALink gets their cut somehow. It's not
the stolen cels at issue with me, but the secrecy
(a list of stolen cels has never been shown to
me) behind this legal statement. People are
actually going to turn their cels in to ALink
without any firsthand proof that their cels are
stolen, based on the word of ALink. Post a list,
and then I'll turn them in to get embossed. But
I'm not going to take their word for it. |